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Available Services

Pricing per evaluation type is listed below (out-of-pocket costs with no insurance). If you do not see the type of evaluation you need listed, please contact us for a quote (or appropriate referral). 

Dr. Marek currently is in-network with the following insurance plans: Cigna, Aetna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. If you would like to use your insurance for a psychological assessment, please call or use this link to schedule: Click Here. 

Psycholegal Evaluation


Competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility, violence risk

Please contact us for a quote.

Pre-Employment Screening


Evaluations typically include 2-3 hours of interview and testing.

Expert Testimony

$500 / hr

Billed in half-day/4 hour increments

$500 (Bariatric and spine surgery/spinal cord stimulator and others based on request)

Evaluations typically include 2-3 hours of interview and testing.

Social Security Disability


Evaluations typically include 2-3 hours of interview and testing. 

Professional Development/ Training

$500 / hr

Includes workshops, keynote addresses, and other professional development training. Pricing is flexible.

Psychodiagnostic Assessment


Evaluations typically include 2-2.5 hours of interview and testing.

Worker's Compensation


Evaluations typically include 2-3 hours of interview and testing. 


$250 / hr

Includes supervision of other professionals as well as case consultation.

Additional Fees

A quote will be provided when additional fees are expected to apply.

* All evaluations include record review up to 100 pages. Additional record review is billed at $250 per hour. 

* In the event that collateral interviews (i.e., someone other than the evaluee) are necessary, an hourly rate of $250 will be applied.

* Evaluations outside of a 30 mile radius will include an additional fee of $150 per hour of travel. 

* No shows will be billed a flat fee of $250.





7901 Research Forest Dr. Suite 400 #3119

The Woodlands, TX 77382

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